Tuesday 17 May 2016

Abstain From Pleasurable Activities Temporarily

ometimes to appreciate the good things in life, we need to take a pause from them. The pause could be a week or a month. When we return to our activities, we realize how lucky we are to have them.

Fitness is the first step to developing the energy and drives to be fearless and grab more from life – beyond your comfort zone.
Exercise and rest are the cornerstones of improving your quality of life.

We want to celebrate this journey to the extraordinary and that winning moment when you realize; I’m here, I’m living fearlessly,
Get ready because you may be surprised by where you end up. And just remember how you got there: fitness, first. fitness is a lifestyle,

For example, perhaps you have a pumpkin latte every day in October. Try taking a week off. You will appreciate the drink and its impact on your happiness even more.